
Join the Live More, Drink Less Chronicles

Tips, strategies, and stories to help you reduce drinking and live a fuller, more vibrant life. Delivered to your inbox, every Friday

Cognitive Dissonance

Why do we drink?

I’ve been drinking a little too much. I should probably take some time off. Let’s do a sober month. 1 week: This is hard, but I got through the first weekend, and I’m starting to feel better. 2 weeks: Wow, I’m starting to dream again. That’s cool. 3 weeks: I am working out all the time, I’m on top of work, and I have a lot more energy. I love this. 4 weeks: I did it! One month sober. I knew I could do it. I am going to start being more intentional with drinking. I have a concert tonight, I’ll...

Think you suck? Self-Love Isn’t Optional

Have you ever really paid attention to how you talk to yourself? Things I've heard from clients in the last week: "Man, I was a piece of shit this week..." "I just suck..." "I am so bad at this, what is wrong with me?" We are our own worst critic. Is it Possible to Operate at 100% All the Time? Of course not. Yet, as high achievers, we expect to, and when we don't, we are brutal on ourselves. Like, REALLY brutal. A Simple Question to Ask Yourself: "Would I talk to someone else this way?" If...

Confession: I poisoned myself 3-4 days a week

From society’s perspective, I didn’t have a drinking problem. I never blacked out I drank 3-4 nights a week—“socially” I made and enjoyed fancy cocktails I worked out 5 days a week On paper, everything looked fine. But I didn’t like what was happening. My sleep was inconsistent I wasted entire days recovering from hangovers My workouts felt like damage control Alcohol turned into a crutch for boredom, unwinding, and more My anxiety kept creeping up Then I started asking myself, "What would...

"I Don't Deserve It"

"I feel like I don't deserve it. Why should I get the nice house, great body, and perfect family? I just don't feel like I deserve that." This week is quarterly planning, and this was one of my conversations with a client. And I understood where he was coming from, because the first time my coach had me set goals, I had a similar feeling. I didn't dream big. I set super modest 10-year goals. When my coach pushed back, I said things like: "I don't really need those things…" "It's not that...

New Year, New Chapter: Your Annual Planning Guide

I love this time of year. The chance to close one chapter and begin a new one feels full of possibilities. It’s a clean slate, and you get to decide how the story unfolds. To bring structure to this fresh start, I have a yearly tradition to reflect on the past year and plan for the one ahead. The Look Back For my year in review, I ask myself five key questions: Did I hit my goals? Why or why not? What am I most proud of? Why? What are the biggest lessons I learned? What activities gave me the...

The 3 Questions I Ask When Life Feels Off

Ever had a stretch of days where you just feel off? Nothing seems to go right, and you can't snap out of it. Whenever I see that coming, I ask myself three questions (shoutout to Mark Manson): How well am I treating my body? Who am I spending time with? What am I working on? If we treat our body right, we will feel right. If we hang out with people who fill us with love, happiness, and connection, we’ll feel love. If we work on things that challenge us and that we generally enjoy, our days...

Tough Week? Ask Yourself This One Question...

Ever had one of those weeks where everything feels like it's going wrong? The car breaks down. The heat stops working. Someone at work pushes all your buttons. I recently had one of those weeks, and let me tell you—I was in a terrible mood all day. Then I remembered a recording from Waking Up (an amazing meditation app) and it completely shifted my perspective. The recording revolved around a simple but profound question: Were you really expecting to have no problems at some point in your...

Being Normal Sucks...

Want to hear something crazy? It’s normal to spend $15 on a cocktail. It’s normal to wake up and feel like shit on Saturday and Sunday. It’s normal to almost throw up on the plane on the way home from a bachelor party. All of these are normal. When you take a step back and critically look at that, it’s insane. Why would I want to be “normal” if that’s what my life looks like? It’s so easy to compare ourselves to everyone else and say, “Well, everyone does it, so why not?” Why not? Because...

A Thanksgiving Decision I’ll Never Regret

For years Thanksgiving always started the same way: a night out with old friends. While I was out partying until late into the night, my aunts, uncles and cousins were trickling into my house. They would be asleep by the time I stumbled in, so I would tip toe upstairs and crash. As I opened my eyes on Thanksgiving morning, my head immediately began to throb. Knowing I didn't get to see my family often, I would stumble downstairs, hug my relatives, and find a spot on the couch. By early...

The Man Who Felt No Negative Effects From Alcohol

"I don’t experience any negative effects when I drink alcohol." A bold statement, right? Someone recently told me this, and I was intrigued. I mean, isn’t this the dream? Drink what you want, whenever you want, and feel great. Naturally, I had questions. The Conversation: “How much do you drink?” “One a day, maybe a few on weekends.” “Nice! I’ve always found even one drink messes with my sleep. How’s yours?” “Well, I don’t track my sleep, but I feel like I sleep well.” Hmm, okay. “Ever...

Comfort Is Holding You Back

What is the biggest driver of most behaviors? To escape discomfort. Think about it. We eat when we’re hungry, bored, or sad. We drink when we’re stressed, lack confidence, or feel lonely. We scroll through social media when we’re bored, stressed, or procrastinating. In today’s world, tools to avoid discomfort are everywhere. We have phones that deliver instant dopamine. Netflix releases multiple movies and TV shows every week. We can get any kind of food delivered to our door in 30 minutes....

Tips, strategies, and stories to help you reduce drinking and live a fuller, more vibrant life. Delivered to your inbox, every Friday