Tips, strategies, and stories to help you reduce drinking and live a fuller, more vibrant life. Delivered to your inbox, every Friday
There are three common challenges that stop people from getting what they want in life: Challenge 1: They don't know what they want. Challenge 2: They don't know the steps to get there. Challenge 3: They know what to do—but they don't do it. Let’s break these down. Challenge 1: You Don’t Know What You Want When was the last time you asked yourself: What do I really want in life? For most of us, the answer is never. We’ve been conditioned to follow the script:
But is this your version of a good life—or someone else’s? Without knowing what you truly want, life can feel like you’re driving in circles without a destination. You’re busy, but not fulfilled. Tired, but not satisfied. Does that sound familiar? So ask yourself: What do you love? What excites you beyond the paycheck or the title? What other areas of your life do you want to focus on? If you don’t have that clarity yet, that’s your starting point. Because without a clear destination, how do you set a plan? Now the question is: How the f*** do I get there? Challenge 2: You Don’t Know the Steps You have the vision—a clear picture of what life could be. But you’re stuck. Maybe you feel paralyzed, endlessly searching for the perfect plan or the “magic bullet.” Maybe you’re overthinking every step, trying to avoid failure at all costs. Here’s the truth: there is no perfect plan. So stop waiting for perfect. You don't need the full map—you just need the next couple of steps. Once you are clear on those next steps, you’ll face Challenge #3. Challenge 3: You Know What to Do, But You Don’t Do It This is probably the most frustrating challenge… Whether it’s cutting back on drinking, quitting your soul-sucking job, or talking to the girl at the bar. You know what you want, and the next step to get there—but you don’t take action. Why? Most of the time, it comes down to two things:
Bad habits are sneaky—they feel comfortable, even when they hold you back. The key is to swap them for habits that feel just as good but push you forward. And limiting beliefs? They’re lies we’ve told ourselves for so long that they feel like truths. The only way to shatter them is to prove them wrong—again and again. The Locker Room These challenges are exactly why I created The Locker Room. It’s designed to tackle all three:
If you’re ready to stop spinning your wheels and start building the life you want, don’t wait. Message me "Locker Room," and let’s get started. Favorite Photo of the Week This week I made a point to focus on the little things, like when the light hits just perfectly on your nightly walk. Till next week, be kind, be curious, and work hard. Tanner Forwarded this email? Sign up HERE Ready to live life to the fullest? Book a free call! |
Tips, strategies, and stories to help you reduce drinking and live a fuller, more vibrant life. Delivered to your inbox, every Friday