
Join the Live More, Drink Less Chronicles

Want more confidence and energy? Here’s how...

We all just want one thing.

It might come in different forms.

Some chase the perfect body.

Others, a bigger paycheck.

Some want deeper, more meaningful relationships.

But at the core, what are we really after?

A feeling.

Not the money itself, but the sense of freedom it brings.

Not the six-pack abs, but the confidence and energy that come with them.

Not just love, but the connection, passion, and fulfillment it creates.

Every decision we make, every goal we set, every habit we build—it’s all driven by emotion.

Think about it:

  • Why do some people seem to have it all, yet still feel empty?
  • Why do others, with far less, radiate joy and fulfillment?

It’s not the thing that matters. It’s the feeling we attach to it.

The great news? You don’t have to wait for external success to feel incredible.

Emotions don’t just happen to you.

You can create them.

You can condition them.

You can master them.

The moment you take charge of your emotions, the quality of your life explodes to a new level.

Because when you control how you feel, you control how you live.

So where do you start?

Step 1: Sit with Your Emotions.

Before you can change how you feel, you first need to understand what you're feeling.

  • When was the last time you sat in silence—without distractions?
  • When was the last time you allowed yourself to fully feel discomfort, rather than escaping it?
  • When’s the last time you took a moment to recognize the emotions you're already experiencing?

Step 2: Master Your Physiology.

Emotion is created through motion. Change your body, and you change your state.

  • Want confidence? Stand tall, shoulders back, and move like you already have it.
  • Want energy? Shake off tension, jump up, and do a few push-ups.
  • Want calm? Close your eyes and take slow, deep breaths.

Step 3: Take Control of Your Focus.

Where focus goes, energy flows.

  • If you focus on problems, you’ll feel stuck.
  • If you focus on solutions, you’ll feel empowered.
  • If you focus on gratitude, you’ll feel abundant.

Step 4: Upgrade Your Language.

The words you use create your reality.

  • Stop saying, "I'm exhausted," and start saying, "I'm recharging."
  • Drop "I'm stuck," and say, "I'm figuring it out."
  • Trade "I have to" for "I get to."

If we can change our emotions, we can change our life.

P.S. Shoutout to Tony Robbins. He hosts a free 3-day virtual event every year and that inspired this post. If you haven't heard of it, check it out. Day 2 and 3 are streaming on YouTube today and tomorrow!

Favorite Photo from the Week:

Hucky is starting to sit like a human and it's cracking me up...

Till next week, be kind, be curious and work hard.


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