
Join the Live More, Drink Less Chronicles

Think you suck? Self-Love Isn’t Optional

Have you ever really paid attention to how you talk to yourself?

Things I've heard from clients in the last week:

  • "Man, I was a piece of shit this week..."
  • "I just suck..."
  • "I am so bad at this, what is wrong with me?"

We are our own worst critic.

Is it Possible to Operate at 100% All the Time?

Of course not.

Yet, as high achievers, we expect to, and when we don't, we are brutal on ourselves.

Like, REALLY brutal.

A Simple Question to Ask Yourself:

"Would I talk to someone else this way?"

If the answer is no, then why are you talking to yourself this way?

Self-Love Is the Foundation

You are the one person you are with, day and night.

So, self-love isn’t optional—it’s essential.

This doesn't mean we don't have aggressive goals.

It doesn't mean we don't hold ourselves to a higher standard.

It just means we can be a little nicer along the way.

And when we are nicer, we have more fun. And when we have more fun, good things happen.

Actionable Step for the Week:

Every time you catch yourself being overly critical, pause and ask: "Would I say this to a friend?" Then reframe the thought into something kind and constructive.

Favorite Photo From the Week:

I'm with my mom this week, and that will always earn a favorite photo. :)

Till next week, be kind, be curious, and work hard.


P.S. What’s one way you’ll be kinder to yourself this week? Hit reply and let me know!

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