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The 3 Questions I Ask When Life Feels Off

Ever had a stretch of days where you just feel off?

Nothing seems to go right, and you can't snap out of it.

Whenever I see that coming, I ask myself three questions (shoutout to Mark Manson):

  1. How well am I treating my body?
  2. Who am I spending time with?
  3. What am I working on?

If we treat our body right, we will feel right.

If we hang out with people who fill us with love, happiness, and connection, we’ll feel love.

If we work on things that challenge us and that we generally enjoy, our days will feel fun and end on a fulfilling note.

But if you flip any of these around, you're screwed.

If we treat our body like shit, we’ll feel like shit.

If we spend time with people who make us feel bad, we’ll feel drained.

If we don’t like what we’re working on, the majority of the day will drag on.

If you’re rocking it out in each of these areas, keep it up.

If you’re not, figure out which area is holding you back and develop a plan for change.

Are you going to fuel your body better?

Are you going to build new relationships?

Are you going to look for a new job?

Whatever it is, start small and start improving.

Favorite Photo from the Week:

Kel and I went to a candlelight Christmas carol orchestra this week, and it was awesome! Then we followed it with a HUGE burrito. Life is about balance.

Till next week, be kind, be curious, and work hard.


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